Levels of Generative AI Usage

Jakub Bareš
Generative AI

August 12, 2024


Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized many aspects of modern life, from simplifying everyday tasks to transforming entire industries. As AI evolves, its implementation covers a wide spectrum, from basic applications to highly sophisticated systems. Understanding these different levels of AI usage is crucial for organisations and individuals who want to harness its full potential. This article looks at the different phases of AI implementation, from using tools like ChatGPT for writing and generating content to advanced integrations and dataset creation. By exploring these levels, we will better understand how AI can be tailored to specific needs and foster innovation in different areas.

Chapter 1: Basic Uses of AI

1.1 Introduction to the Basic Uses of AI

At its most basic level, AI can be used for fundamental tasks that improve productivity and efficiency. These tasks often involve using AI tools to automate routine processes, generate content, and extract valuable information from large datasets. This chapter explores how AI, in particular ChatGPT, can be used in these basic yet essential ways.

1.2 Using AI for writing and generating content

One of the most common applications of AI is in the area of content writing and generation. AI tools like ChatGPT allow users to generate quality written content quickly and efficiently. Whether it's writing articles, creating reports or composing emails, AI can perform these tasks with remarkable expertise.

  • Article and report writing: AI can generate coherent and well-structured articles and reports on a variety of topics. By entering prompts and instructions, users can receive edited drafts that require only minimal editing, saving time and effort.
  • Automate routine writing tasks: In addition to long-form content, AI can assist with everyday tasks such as composing emails, creating social media posts, and generating marketing copy. This automation frees up time for individuals and teams to focus on more strategic activities.

1.3 Information processing and extraction

AI excels at processing vast amounts of data and extracting key information, making it an invaluable tool for a variety of information-intensive tasks.

  • Extracting key information from large datasets: AI can crawl through large volumes of data to identify patterns, trends and important information. This capability is particularly useful in areas such as research, finance and healthcare, where early access to critical data can influence decision-making.
  • Automating routine tasks: By automating repetitive tasks, AI not only increases efficiency but also reduces the likelihood of human error. For example, AI can manage data entry, scheduling, and even responding to customer inquiries, providing accurate and consistent answers.

In short, the basic uses of AI include a range of applications that simplify processes and increase productivity. From writing and creating content to processing and extracting information, AI tools like ChatGPT are transforming the way we approach everyday tasks. As we progress to more advanced levels of AI implementation, the potential for innovation and efficiency only grows.

Chapter 2: Creating Knowledge Bases

2.1 Introduction to Knowledge Base Creation

As AI technology advances, its applications are moving beyond simple tasks to more complex functions such as knowledge base creation. A knowledge base is a repository of information that can be accessed and used to answer questions, provide solutions, and support decision-making processes. AI-generated knowledge bases harness the power of AI to create, maintain and improve these repositories, making information retrieval more efficient and effective.

2.2 Exploring AI-generated answers

AI-generated knowledge bases are created by compiling answers generated by AI tools such as ChatGPT. These answers can be organized into a structured format, allowing users to quickly explore and navigate through vast amounts of information.

  • Creating a repository of AI-generated content: By continuously submitting questions and prompts to AI models, a comprehensive repository of answers can be developed. This repository can then be categorized and indexed for easy access.
  • Knowledge base navigation: Users can query the knowledge base using natural language, making it easy to find relevant information. AI can also provide context and related information, improving the overall user experience.

2.3 Benefits and use cases

AI-generated knowledge bases offer a number of benefits in various industries and applications.

  • Improving customer support: Organizations can use AI-generated knowledge bases to improve customer support. By providing immediate and accurate answers to common questions, these systems can reduce the burden on human agents and increase customer satisfaction.
  • Support for self-service portals: Knowledge bases can be integrated into self-service portals, allowing users to find answers and solutions independently. This not only improves the user experience but also reduces companies' operational costs.
  • Support R&D: In research-intensive areas, AI-generated knowledge bases can provide researchers with quick access to relevant literature, data and insights, accelerating the research process.

In short, the creation of knowledge bases using AI represents a significant advance in information management. By creating and maintaining comprehensive repositories of AI-generated content, organizations can improve customer support, enable self-service, and support research and development.

Chapter 3: Custom GPT Applications

3.1 Introduction to custom GPT applications

While the basic use of AI and the creation of knowledge bases provides significant benefits, the next level involves the development of custom AI applications tailored to specific needs. Custom GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) applications are designed to address unique challenges and requirements in a variety of industries and domains.

3.2 Development of AI applications for specific purposes

Custom GPT applications involve training AI models on specialized datasets to perform specific tasks or solve specific problems. These customizations enable greater accuracy, relevance, and efficiency of AI outputs.

  • Customizing AI to meet specific industry needs: Different industries have unique requirements and challenges. By training AI models on industry-specific data, organizations can develop applications that precisely match their needs. For example, a healthcare provider can create a custom GPT app to help with medical diagnoses, while a financial institution can develop an app for fraud detection.
  • Improving accuracy and relevance: Custom GPT apps are fine-tuned to understand and respond to specific contexts and terminology, resulting in more accurate and relevant outputs. This customization ensures that AI responses are not only accurate, but also contextually appropriate.

3.3 Case studies and examples

Real-world examples show the impact and potential of custom GPT applications across different sectors.

  • Healthcare: Custom GPT applications in healthcare can help with patient diagnosis, treatment recommendation and medical research. For example, an AI model trained on medical literature and patient data can help doctors make more informed decisions.
  • Finance: In the financial sector, custom GPT applications can be used for risk assessment, fraud detection and customer support. By analyzing transaction data and identifying patterns, AI can help detect fraudulent activity in real time.
  • Education: Educational institutions can use custom GPT applications to deliver personalized learning experiences. AI can assess student progress and tailor educational content to their individual needs, improving learning outcomes.

In conclusion, custom GPT apps represent a powerful advancement in AI implementation. By tailoring AI models to specific industries and use cases, organizations can achieve greater accuracy, relevance, and efficiency, fostering innovation and improving outcomes across multiple domains.

Chapter 4: Advanced API Integration and Use

4.1 Introduction to Advanced AI Integrations

Based on custom GPT applications, the next level of AI implementation includes advanced integrations and API usage. These integrations allow AI systems to interact with other software and platforms, create seamless workflows, and enhance the capabilities of existing applications.

4.2 Leveraging custom knowledge bases

Advanced AI integrations often leverage custom knowledge bases, allowing AI systems to provide more comprehensive and contextually relevant responses. By connecting AI to different data sources and platforms, users can achieve greater functionality and efficiency.

  • Integrating AI with APIs: Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) allow AI systems to interact with other software and services. This integration enables automation of complex processes such as data mining, analysis and reporting.
  • Enhancing functionality with third parties: AI can be integrated with third-party services such as CRM systems, ERP solutions and cloud platforms to extend its capabilities. For example, integrating AI with a CRM system can automate customer interactions and provide actionable insights.

4.3 Examples of advanced implementations

Several industries have successfully implemented advanced AI integrations to improve their operations.

  • In the E-commerce: sector, AI integrations can automate inventory management, optimize pricing strategies, and personalize customer experiences. By connecting AI to sales platforms and analytics tools, businesses can make data-driven decisions and improve operational efficiency.
  • Healthcare: Advanced AI integrations in healthcare can streamline patient management, automate administrative tasks, and support clinical decision-making. Integrating AI with electronic health records (EHRs) enables seamless data sharing and improves patient care.
  • Manufacturing: In manufacturing, AI can be integrated with IoT devices and supply chain management systems to optimize production processes, predict maintenance needs, and reduce downtime. These integrations increase overall productivity and operational efficiency.

In short, advanced integrations and the use of APIs represent a significant evolution in AI implementation. By connecting AI systems to other software and platforms, organizations can create more efficient workflows, improve functionality, and drive innovation across industries.

Chapter 5: Data tagging and dataset creation

5.1 Introduction to data tagging and dataset creation

At the highest level of AI implementation, data tagging and dataset creation are key components. These processes involve preparing and structuring data to train AI models, allowing them to learn and make accurate predictions. Additionally, generating knowledge graphs plays a vital role in organizing and linking data, providing a robust foundation for machine learning systems.

5.2 Transforming current datasets

Data labeling involves annotating datasets with relevant information, making them suitable for training AI models. This transformation is necessary to improve the accuracy and performance of AI systems.

  • Techniques and tools for data annotation: There are many tools and techniques for data annotation, including manual annotation, automated annotation, and crowdsourcing. These methods help ensure that the data used to train AI models is accurate and representative.
  • Improving data quality: High-quality labeled data is key to training effective AI models. Ensuring the accuracy, consistency and relevance of data is critical to achieving reliable AI results.

5.3 Knowledge Graph Generation

Knowledge graphs are structured knowledge representations that connect data points through relationships. They provide a comprehensive view of information and enhance the capabilities of AI systems.

  • Use of knowledge graphs for machine learning systems: Knowledge graphs can be used to organize and link data, making it easier for AI models to understand and process complex information. This structured approach enhances AI's ability to make accurate predictions and generate insights.
  • Applications of knowledge graphs: Knowledge graphs have applications across a variety of domains, including search engines, recommender systems, and semantic search. By connecting related data points, they enable AI systems to provide more relevant and contextually accurate results.

5.4 Applications in machine learning

Data labeling and knowledge graph generation are fundamental to building robust machine learning systems. These processes ensure that AI models are trained on high quality data and can effectively learn from complex datasets.

  • Building robust AI models: High-quality labeled data and complex knowledge graphs are essential for training AI models that can handle complex tasks and make accurate predictions. These essential elements contribute to the overall efficiency and reliability of AI systems.
  • Improving predictive analytics: With well-labeled datasets and complex knowledge graphs, AI models can improve predictive analytics, providing valuable insights and predictions. This capability is particularly useful in areas such as finance, healthcare and marketing.

In conclusion, data tagging and dataset creation along with knowledge graph generation represent the pinnacle of AI implementation. These processes are essential for training effective AI models and building robust machine learning systems. By transforming and structuring data, organizations can fully leverage AI to drive innovation and achieve superior results in a variety of areas.


A journey through the various levels of Gen AI usage and implementation shows the transformative potential of this technology across many domains. Starting with basic applications, AI tools like ChatGPT have proven to automate routine tasks, generate content and extract key information, thereby increasing productivity and efficiency. Going beyond these basic applications, the generation of AI-driven knowledge bases brings significant benefits, especially in improving customer support and enabling self-service solutions.

As we delve deeper into the realm of custom GPT applications, the ability to tailor AI to specific industry needs becomes apparent. Designed to solve unique challenges, these specialty solutions demonstrate the versatility and precision that AI can bring to specific tasks. Integrating AI with APIs and other software platforms further extends its capabilities, creating seamless and efficient workflows and enabling advanced functionality across multiple sectors.

The highest level of AI implementation, focused on data tagging, dataset creation and knowledge graph generation, highlights the importance of high-quality, structured data in building robust AI models. These processes are essential for training effective machine learning systems that can accurately predict, analyze, and generate valuable insights.

In short, the spectrum of AI use and implementation-from basic applications to sophisticated, integrated systems-illustrates the significant advances and innovations driven by AI technology. As organizations continue to explore and embrace these different levels of AI, new opportunities for efficiency, innovation, and growth open up. The future of AI promises even greater developments, with continued advances in technology and methodologies paving the way for more powerful and intelligent systems. By understanding and leveraging these different levels of AI implementation, businesses and individuals can harness the full potential of AI to achieve success and transformation in their respective industries.