Priorities for Czech National Artificial Intelligence Strategy

Jakub Bareš

August 12, 2024

Unfortunately the state of AI in Czechia could be much better. Here are some key points to what we need to do as nation to catch up.

1. Research and Education in AI:

The core foundation of AI rests on robust research and proper education. Investing in the bond between experts, scientists, and students lays the groundwork for AI advancements.

  • Connecting scientists and experts with students at dedicated events, workshops, research groups
  • Prioritizing research and education according to expert opinion on trends worth catching up with
  • Initiation and support of student projects.
  • Integration of LLMs into the curriculum to support for student self-development.

The USA heavily invests in AI education and research with leading institutions like MIT and Stanford. China, under its AI Development Plan, has emphasized AI in education and aims to be the world leader by 2030. European leaders, especially France and Germany, are also focusing on AI research with dedicated funds and collaborations between universities and industries.

2. Innovation Ecosystem:

Innovation is the lifeblood of AI advancement. Encouraging ambitious goals while incubating projects at the academic level ensures a constant stream of fresh ideas.

  • Creating new incubators for university projects.
  • Funding and collaboration between public and private sectors.
  • Creating working groups to form a common strategy between universities, research institutions, startups and industry

Silicon Valley is leading the charge in USA in terms of being the central world hub for innovation. The talent tool from state-of-the-art university education means startups are formed by the most ambitious, most radical founders willing to disrupt the world. The venture capital follows suit. China promotes its tech giants like Tencent and Alibaba and has several innovation hubs like Shenzhen. Europe's innovation is driven by its tech hubs in cities like Berlin, Stockholm, and London, with an emphasis on cross-border collaboration.

3. Legal Framework for AI:

A clear legal structure is essential for AI's ethical and broad-scale implementation. It ensures responsibility, user rights, and the ethical development of AI technologies.

  • Standardization of AGI and LLMs terms.
  • Assignment of AI responsibilities and rights.
  • Security and ethical standards determination.

The USA focuses on an open-market approach with light regulation. China has a top-down approach, integrating AI into its social and governance systems. European leaders prioritize privacy and ethics, with the EU releasing guidelines for trustworthy AI.

4. Economy and Labor Market:

Understanding AI's impact on the economy and labor markets is vital for a smooth transition and to capitalize on its benefits.

  • AI impact analysis on economy sectors.
  • Support for employee education and AI adaptation.
  • Support for work amplification rather than automation.
  • Reskilling programs support

The USA emphasizes reskilling and job transition programs. China integrates AI into its industries for global competitiveness. European leaders focus on social security systems to address job displacements due to AI.

5. School Reform:

The modern education system needs to be revamped to integrate AI, ensuring students are ready for the future.

  • AI inclusion in curricula.
  • Dedicated AI courses and programs.
  • AI research and innovation in higher education.

In the USA, many schools are introducing coding and AI from a young age. China is rapidly integrating AI into its curriculum at various levels. Europe is promoting digital literacy and AI in its education strategy.

6. Monitoring Innovation Trends: Staying updated with global innovation trends through AI helps in strategic decision-making and economic growth.

  • AI utilization for global trend monitoring.
  • Analysis of lagging behind global innovations.
  • Priority determination for crucial sectors.
  • Establishment of new research centers and clusters.

The USA, through Silicon Valley, sets global tech trends. China, with its Belt and Road Initiative, monitors and invests in global tech trends. European countries use institutions like the European Institute of Innovation and Technology to monitor and promote innovation.

7. AI in the Public Sector: AI can revolutionize public services, leading to improved efficiency and citizen satisfaction.

  • Public service optimization using AI.
  • AI project implementation in healthcare, transportation, energy, education, and culture.

The USA's public sector integrates AI for efficiency, especially in healthcare and defense. China's smart cities initiative showcases AI's role in public services. European leaders emphasize AI in public healthcare systems and energy solutions.