Why AI Is Actually Under Hyped?

Jakub Bareš
Generative AI

November 13, 2023


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a topic of intense discussion and debate, with opinions ranging from it being the next technological revolution to it being heavily overhyped. The truth likely lies somewhere in between. While there are valid concerns about AI’s current capabilities, costs, and ethical implications, these views often overlook the continuous advancements and the long-term potential of AI. This article aims to dissect the common arguments for why AI is perceived as overhyped and counter these with insights into why AI might actually be underappreciated.

Despite the skepticism, AI is steadily transforming various industries and redefining the possibilities of what technology can achieve. From healthcare and education to market dynamics and economic structures, the impact of AI is profound and growing. By addressing both the overhyped perceptions and highlighting the ongoing developments and future potential, this article seeks to provide a balanced view of AI’s true capabilities and its role in our future. Our claim is actually that AI is underhyped.

Summary of Sections

Section 1: Misunderstanding of AI Capabilities

Many believe AI can autonomously perform complex tasks with little human intervention, leading to inflated expectations. Media sensationalism and vendor overselling further exacerbate this misconception. However, incremental implementation progress and the exceptional transformative potential of AI we have seen in those few applications executed suggest that these views are shortsighted.

Section 2: Economic and Ethical Concerns

High implementation costs and significant ethical issues contribute to the perception that AI is overhyped. Despite these challenges, advancements in technology and ethical frameworks, along with long-term cost reductions and efficiency gains, some of which do not direct impact on the bottom line but rather bolster the companies’ set of capabilities and competitive potential as part of “Red Queen’s race” highlight AI's underappreciated potential.

Section 3: Skill and Knowledge Gaps

The lack of technical expertise hinders effective implementation. However, growing educational programs and continuous technological improvements will bridge these gaps, enhancing problem-solving abilities and demonstrating AI's true potential.

Section 4: Market and Adoption Challenges

Market fragmentation and resistance to change slow AI adoption, contributing to the belief that it is overhyped. As industry standards emerge and cultural shifts occur, the adoption process will become easier, revealing AI's significant long-term benefits.

Section 5: Short-term Focus vs. Long-term Potential

Limited proven ROI and high failure rates of AI projects contribute to skepticism. However, strategic long-term investments and the cumulative benefits of AI will validate its potential, making short-term focus a shortsighted perspective.

Section 6: Technological and Infrastructure Challenges

Technological and infrastructure hurdles are significant barriers to AI's adoption. Rapid technological advancements and improving integration tools will address these challenges, demonstrating AI's transformative potential over time.

Section 7: Economic Disparities and Market Impact

The benefits of AI are often concentrated among large firms, exacerbating economic inequalities, and many applications remain experimental. Efforts to democratize AI and emerging proven use cases will reduce disparities and validate AI's impact.

Section 8: Market Fragmentation and Competitive Landscape

Intense competition and market fragmentation create confusion and oversaturation, leading to the perception that AI is overhyped. As the market matures, emerging leaders and consolidation will provide more reliable and standardized AI solutions.

Section 9: Public Perception and Trust Issues

Public skepticism and fear, along with the misuse of AI by companies, hinder its adoption. Increased education, ethical frameworks, and demonstrating AI's positive impacts will build public trust and facilitate broader acceptance.

Section 1: Misunderstanding of AI Capabilities

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is often perceived as a technology that can autonomously perform complex tasks with little to no human intervention. This perception contributes significantly to the belief that AI is overhyped. In this section, we will discuss common arguments that highlight the misunderstanding of AI's capabilities and explain why these views are shortsighted.

Misunderstanding of Capabilities

One of the primary reasons AI is seen as overhyped is the widespread belief that it can handle intricate tasks entirely on its own. Many people envision AI as a "silver bullet" solution capable of autonomously executing complex strategies without human oversight. As the AI Marketing Engineers explain, "This misunderstanding can inflate expectations beyond the current capabilities of AI technology" (AI Marketing Engineers).

Excessive Media Attention

The media plays a significant role in shaping public perception of AI. “Sensational headlines often promise revolutionary changes or warn of dystopian futures, which can create a skewed view of AI's immediate impact“ (AI Marketing Engineers). Such media portrayal amplifies the hype around AI, leading people to expect immediate, dramatic transformations that are not yet feasible with current technology.

Vendor Overselling

AI solution providers also contribute to the hype by overselling their products' capabilities. In a competitive market, vendors often promise more than their AI solutions can deliver to gain an edge. This leads to further inflated expectations among businesses and consumers. According to the AI Marketing Engineers, “Vendors may use buzzwords and jargon that sound impressive but lack substance" (AI Marketing Engineers). This overselling not only misleads customers but also adds to the overall perception that AI is overhyped.

Counterarguments: Why These Views Are Shortsighted

While the above points highlight why AI is often considered overhyped, it's important to recognize that these views are based on temporary misunderstandings and short-term perspectives. The true potential of AI lies in its continuous development and long-term integration into various fields.

Transformative Potential

Despite current limitations, AI holds transformative potential in various sectors, such as healthcare, education, and materials science. These fields are already benefiting from AI-driven innovations, which are not always immediately visible to the public. As AI continues to evolve, its broader impact will become more apparent, demonstrating that the technology is not overhyped but rather underappreciated in its early stages.

Lack of Immediate Necessity

People and businesses often resist adopting new technologies until they are forced to do so. The need for more creative and insight-driven work, which AI can enhance, will become more apparent only when automation begins to replace routine tasks on a large scale. This resistance is temporary and will diminish as AI's benefits become more evident. AI's adoption will accelerate as organizations recognize the necessity of leveraging AI for creative and strategic tasks.

Section 2: Economic and Ethical Concerns

Another common critique of AI is centered on its economic and ethical implications. These concerns highlight significant barriers that can lead to the perception that AI is overhyped. In this section, we will discuss these arguments and explain why, despite these challenges, AI's potential is underappreciated.

High Implementation Costs

One of the primary arguments against AI is the substantial financial investment required to deploy these systems. “The costs associated with acquiring the necessary technology, hiring skilled personnel, and integrating AI into existing infrastructures can be prohibitive, particularly for smaller firms”. (ComFin Software).

Ethical and Privacy Concerns

The ethical challenges associated with AI cannot be understated. Issues like algorithmic bias, data privacy, and the potential for AI to perpetuate existing inequalities are significant. These concerns not only affect public perception but also pose real challenges for developers and policymakers striving to create fair and unbiased AI systems.

Regulatory Challenges

Regulatory challenges further complicate AI's integration. The World Economic Forum highlights that "governments and organizations struggle with the legal and ethical implications of AI, particularly regarding data privacy and intellectual property" (World Economic Forum). Developing comprehensive legal frameworks to address the complexities of AI is a slow and ongoing process.

Counterarguments: Why These Views Are Shortsighted

Despite these significant challenges, it's important to recognize that many of the economic and ethical concerns associated with AI are temporary and will diminish as the technology evolves and regulatory frameworks mature.

Economies of Scale Cost Reduction

Once the unknowns are diminished and experience with generative AI implementation builds wide-spread intuition about where it can be helpful, then we will see increased adoption. Also once standardized processed and solutions will be more common, we will see economies of scale benefits, reducing the costs associated with AI implementation. ComFin Software points out that "as common sense experience with tech adoption advances, the costs of implementing AI will decrease, making it more accessible to a broader range of industries" (ComFin Software).

Efficiency Gains Over Revenue

AI will likely make people and processes more efficient, but these gains may not translate directly into increased revenue, but rather will enable more powerful value propositions, where not keeping up with the innovation will mean losing own competitiveness. The improvements in productivity and problem-solving capabilities will be substantial but likely not immediately visible on the bottom line.

Ethical Advancements

Ethical issues related to AI are being actively addressed through research and development. The World Economic Forum states, "Ongoing research and development are focusing on creating fairer, more transparent AI systems, which will mitigate ethical concerns over time" (World Economic Forum).

Section 3: Skill and Knowledge Gaps

Another major reason why AI is perceived as overhyped is due to the existing skill and knowledge gaps in the workforce. Critics argue that the lack of expertise and the overestimation of AI's current capabilities contribute to unrealistic expectations. This section delves into these arguments and counters them by highlighting ongoing efforts to bridge these gaps and the potential for AI to significantly enhance problem-solving abilities.

Skill Gap

The shortage of skilled professionals who understand AI intricacies hampers its effective deployment. A prominent concern is the skill gap in many organizations, which lack the technical expertise necessary to critically evaluate and effectively implement AI solutions. This deficiency can lead to misguided investments and underwhelming results. As the AI Marketing Engineers note, "Many organizations lack the technical expertise to critically evaluate and implement AI solutions effectively" (AI Marketing Engineers).

Misestimation of Current Capabilities

Another reason AI is seen as overhyped is the overestimation of its current capabilities or inability to nail down the use-cases where it has most potential to bring benefits. Despite the advancements, AI's abilities are still in an experimental stage, and it cannot yet perform all the tasks that some proponents claim. The AI Matter explains, "AI's capabilities are not yet fully realized, leading to overhyped expectations" (The AI Matter).

Counterarguments: Why These Views Are Shortsighted

While the arguments about skill gaps and overestimated capabilities are valid, they are based on the current state of our understanding of AI capabilities and do not consider the rapid advancements in gained wisdom and educational efforts underway. Recognizing the ongoing improvements and the transformative potential of AI can help shift the perception towards a more realistic and optimistic view.

Growing Expertise

As more educational institutions and organizations offer specialized training in AI, the pool of skilled professionals will grow. According to The AI Matter, "Educational programs and industry training are expanding, which will bridge the skill gap and enable more effective AI implementation" (The AI Matter).

Skill and Creativity Gap

Implementing AI effectively requires a unique blend of technical skill and creativity. While the current education system is catching up, this combination of skills is still rare, slowing down widespread adoption. Current educational and professional systems are not yet fully equipped to produce enough individuals with these capabilities, leading to a slower adoption curve. However, as more people develop these competencies, the pace of AI integration will accelerate.

Enhanced Problem-Solving

AI can process vast amounts of data and identify patterns that humans might miss. AI's ability to analyze large datasets and uncover hidden patterns enhances human problem-solving capabilities. This synergy between AI and human intelligence can lead to groundbreaking solutions and innovations, demonstrating AI's underappreciated potential. This capability can significantly bolster our problem-solving abilities, leading to innovative solutions in various fields.

Section 4: Market and Adoption Challenges

Market fragmentation and resistance to change are significant hurdles that contribute to the perception that AI is overhyped. However, these challenges are part of the natural progression of adopting any groundbreaking technology. This section will explore these overhyped arguments and counter them with insights into how AI's long-term potential can overcome these obstacles.

Market Fragmentation

One of the arguments for AI being overhyped is the fragmented nature of the AI market. The World Economic Forum states “The fragmentation in the AI market creates confusion among potential adopters.” (World Economic Forum). Different vendors provide different solutions, which can lead to interoperability issues and hinder seamless integration. This complexity can deter companies from fully committing to AI, reinforcing the notion that AI is overhyped.

Resistance to Change

BusinessTechWeekly notes, "Organizations and employees often resist adopting AI due to fears of job loss and a lack of understanding of its benefits" (BusinessTechWeekly). This cultural and organizational inertia can significantly slow down AI adoption, making it seem like the technology is not living up to its hype. This resistance can slow down the adoption process and contribute to the perception that AI is overhyped.

Short-term Focus

Another reason AI is perceived as overhyped is that many companies focus on short-term experiments and proof of concepts rather than long-term integration and scaling. Tribe highlights that “A short-term focus on AI projects prevents companies from realizing the full potential of the technology.“ (LiveAI). By concentrating on immediate gains rather than strategic, long-term investments, businesses may not see substantial benefits, reinforcing the belief that AI is overhyped.

Counterarguments: Why These Views Are Shortsighted

Despite these challenges, the arguments above overlook the natural evolution of technology adoption and the significant strides being made to address these issues. Recognizing the ongoing efforts to standardize and integrate AI can help shift the perception towards understanding AI's true potential.

Industry Standardization

As AI matures, industry standards will emerge, reducing fragmentation and making it easier for new adopters to implement AI solutions. The current fragmentation in the AI market is a temporary phase. As the industry evolves, standards will be established, making it easier for companies to adopt and integrate AI solutions. This standardization will streamline the adoption process and reduce the perceived complexity.

Cultural Shifts

As the benefits of AI become more evident, cultural resistance will diminish, leading to broader and more enthusiastic adoption. Over time, as successful AI implementations demonstrate clear benefits, resistance to change will decrease. Employees and organizations will become more open to adopting AI as they see its potential to enhance productivity and create new opportunities rather than just as a threat to jobs.

Long-term Integration

Focusing on long-term integration and strategic investments in AI will yield significant benefits. While short-term experiments are valuable, the true potential of AI is realized through sustained efforts to embed AI deeply into business processes. Tribe emphasizes the importance of this approach (LiveAI). This strategic approach ensures that AI becomes an integral part of business operations, driving innovation and efficiency over time.

Section 5: Short-term Focus vs. Long-term Potential

The debate around AI often centers on its immediate returns and success rates, which can lead to the perception that AI is overhyped. However, a longer-term perspective reveals significant potential for strategic investments and cumulative benefits. This section examines these overhyped arguments and highlights why a focus on long-term integration is crucial for realizing AI's true value.

Limited Proven ROI

A key argument against AI is that few real-world implementations have demonstrated significant returns on investment (ROI). This lack of proven ROI makes it challenging for businesses to justify the hype surrounding AI. ComFin Software notes, "Few real-world implementations of AI have demonstrated significant returns on investment, making it hard to justify the hype" (ComFin Software). Companies may not see immediate financial returns, leading to skepticism about AI's overall value.

Failure Rates

Another point contributing to the belief that AI is overhyped is the high failure rate of AI projects. Many AI initiatives do not meet their objectives, further fueling doubts about the technology's effectiveness. ComFin Software reports, "A significant percentage of AI projects fail to meet their objectives, contributing to the belief that AI is overhyped" (ComFin Software). High failure rates can be attributed to several factors, including unrealistic expectations, inadequate expertise, and insufficient planning.

Counterarguments: Why These Views Are Shortsighted

Despite the current focus on short-term outcomes and the associated challenges, a strategic, long-term approach to AI investment reveals substantial benefits. Recognizing the incremental and cumulative gains from AI can shift the perspective from immediate ROI to sustained value creation.

Strategic Investments

Strategic investments in AI involve developing comprehensive plans for integrating AI into core business processes. Companies that invest strategically in AI, focusing on long-term integration rather than short-term gains, will realize significant benefits and set industry standards. This approach ensures that AI becomes a fundamental part of the organization's operations, leading to sustained improvements and competitive advantages over time.

Long-term ROI

The long-term ROI from AI investments is often overlooked in favor of immediate results. Over time, the cumulative benefits of AI—such as improved efficiency, innovation, and cost savings—will become more apparent, validating the initial investments. These cumulative benefits justify the initial investment and demonstrate AI's true potential.

Section 6: Technological and Infrastructure Challenges

Technological and infrastructure challenges are often cited as major barriers to the widespread adoption and effectiveness of AI. These challenges contribute to the perception that AI is overhyped. However, ongoing advancements and developments in the field suggest that these views may be shortsighted. This section explores these overhyped arguments and counters them with insights into the rapid technological advancements and improving integration tools that are transforming the AI landscape.

Technological Hurdles

A significant argument for AI being overhyped is the technological challenges that still exist. Technological challenges such as limitations in smoothness of algorithm and prompt engineering combination, generative output consistency and reliability, and insufficient frameworks for neurosymbolic integration of predictive/optimization models and agentic usage of large language models for more complex tasks can hinder the effectiveness of AI applications. These hurdles limit AI's widespread adoption and effectiveness, as the technology is still evolving and facing numerous technical obstacles. These issues need to be addressed to fully realize AI's potential, leading some to believe that AI is not yet ready to meet the high expectations placed upon it.

Infrastructure Challenges

Integrating AI into existing systems is complex and requires significant changes in technology infrastructure. The existing technology infrastructure in many organizations is not designed to support AI. Upgrading systems and ensuring compatibility with AI technologies can be a daunting task, leading to delays and increased costs. These challenges reinforce the belief that AI is overhyped due to the difficulties in seamless integration.

Counterarguments: Why These Views Are Shortsighted

Despite these challenges, the arguments for AI being overhyped overlook the rapid advancements and innovations in AI technology. Recognizing the continuous improvements and the development of new integration tools can help shift the perception towards understanding AI's true potential.

Rapid Technological Advancements

AI technology is advancing rapidly, with continuous improvements in large model integration into the algorithmic codebase where rest of the organizational processes are defined. Technological advancements are addressing even other current hurdles in AI like search engine integration to back up claims by the LLM with facts and solve hallucination problems. These advancements suggest that the current technological challenges are temporary and will be overcome as AI continues to evolve.

Improving Integration Tools

The development of integration tools is making it easier for organizations to adopt AI. BusinessTechWeekly highlights, "New tools and platforms are being developed to simplify the integration of AI into existing systems, reducing the barriers and costs associated with implementation" (BusinessTechWeekly). These tools are making generative AI less complex to implement and more cost-effective. As these tools become more sophisticated, the barriers to AI adoption will decrease, allowing more businesses to benefit from AI technologies. For example, Amazon SageMaker and Microsoft Azure Machine Learning offer comprehensive services for building, deploying, and managing machine learning models, streamlining AI integration into existing infrastructures. Similarly, platforms like DataRobot and H2O.ai provide automated machine learning capabilities, reducing the need for extensive AI expertise and making AI adoption more accessible.

Section 7: Economic Disparities and Market Impact

The economic impact of AI is another area where critics argue that the technology is overhyped. Concerns about economic inequality and the limited real-world application of AI contribute to this perception. However, ongoing efforts to democratize AI and the emergence of proven use cases suggest that these views might be shortsighted. This section will explore these arguments and counter them with insights into the broader market impact and expanding accessibility of AI.

Economic Inequality

The deployment and advantages of AI are predominantly seen in large corporations with significant resources, leaving smaller businesses and less affluent regions at a disadvantage. MIT Sloan highlights this concern, stating, "The benefits of AI are often concentrated among large firms and tech hubs, exacerbating economic inequalities" (MIT Sloan). This concentration of benefits can widen the gap between the tech-savvy elite and the rest of the population, reinforcing the perception that AI is overhyped and not beneficial to society as a whole.

Limited Use Cases

Another argument for AI being overhyped is the limited number of proven use cases. ComFin Software notes, "Many proposed AI applications are still experimental and have not been proven to deliver substantial benefits in real-world scenarios" (ComFin Software). The experimental nature of many AI projects means that they have yet to show significant, tangible benefits. This lack of proven success can lead to skepticism about AI's practicality and value, contributing to the belief that AI is overhyped.

Counterarguments: Why These Views Are Shortsighted

While the above arguments highlight legitimate concerns, they do not fully capture the ongoing efforts to make AI more accessible and the increasing number of successful AI applications. Recognizing these positive developments can help shift the perception towards a more balanced view of AI's market impact.

Expanding Accessibility

Efforts are underway to democratize AI, making it more accessible to smaller firms and diverse industries. These initiatives aim to reduce economic disparities and ensure that the benefits of AI are more evenly distributed. Programs and platforms designed to lower the entry barriers for AI adoption are emerging. These efforts aim to provide smaller businesses and underserved regions with the tools and knowledge needed to leverage AI, thereby spreading its benefits more broadly and reducing economic inequalities.

Proven Use Cases Emerging

As AI technology matures, successful implementations are becoming more common. ComFin Software observes, "More AI applications are moving from experimental stages to proven use cases, demonstrating real-world benefits and encouraging broader adoption" (ComFin Software). These proven use cases validate the potential of AI, showing tangible benefits in various industries. This trend suggests that the initial skepticism about AI's value is diminishing as more applications demonstrate their effectiveness.

Non-Standardized Solutions

AI applications are often highly specialized and tailored to specific tasks. The customization required for effective AI solutions can slow down their deployment and make it difficult to achieve scale quickly. This lack of standardization means that scalable solutions are harder to develop, further slowing widespread adoption and immediate economic benefits. However, as more industries adopt AI and share best practices, standardization will improve, facilitating broader adoption and greater economic impact.

Section 8: Market Fragmentation and Competitive Landscape

The competitive landscape of AI is often cited as a factor contributing to the perception that AI is overhyped. The intense competition and resulting market fragmentation can lead to confusion and oversaturation. However, as the market matures, emerging leaders and market consolidation are expected to provide more reliable and standardized AI solutions. This section examines these overhyped arguments and counters them with insights into the long-term benefits of a maturing AI market.

Competitive Pressure

A significant argument for AI being overhyped is the intense competition within the AI market. The market is crowded with numerous vendors offering various solutions, which can overwhelm potential adopters. With many firms vying for a piece of the market, the result is often confusion and oversaturation. This intense competition can lead to overpromising and underdelivering as companies strive to differentiate themselves. The resulting market confusion can make it difficult for businesses to identify the most suitable AI solutions, reinforcing the notion that AI is overhyped.

Counterarguments: Why These Views Are Shortsighted

Despite the current market fragmentation and competitive pressure, these challenges are typical of any emerging technology. As the AI market matures, industry leaders will emerge, and market consolidation will lead to more reliable and comprehensive solutions.

Emerging Leaders

In any nascent industry, initial fragmentation is common. However, over time, certain companies will establish themselves as leaders by consistently delivering high-quality, reliable solutions. The World Economic Forum highlights, "As the market matures, industry leaders will emerge, providing more reliable and standardized AI solutions" (World Economic Forum).

Consolidation Benefits

As the AI market consolidates, smaller players may merge or be acquired by larger companies, resulting in more comprehensive and integrated AI platforms. "Market consolidation will lead to more robust and comprehensive AI platforms, making it easier for businesses to adopt and integrate AI solutions" (AI Marketing Engineers). This consolidation will reduce market confusion and provide businesses with more reliable, end-to-end solutions that are easier to implement and manage.

Section 9: Public Perception and Trust Issues

Public perception and trust are crucial factors influencing the adoption of AI. Skepticism and fear, often fueled by media portrayals and ethical concerns, contribute significantly to the belief that AI is overhyped. However, ongoing efforts to educate the public and develop robust ethical frameworks are expected to mitigate these issues and facilitate broader acceptance. This section explores these overhyped arguments and counters them with insights into the transformative potential of AI and strategies to build public trust.

Public Distrust

One of the major arguments for AI being overhyped is the public skepticism and fear surrounding the technology. Media portrayals often focus on dystopian scenarios and ethical concerns. These portrayals can create a negative perception of AI, making people wary of its integration into daily life and business operations. This skepticism can slow down the adoption of AI technologies, reinforcing the belief that AI is overhyped.

Misuse of AI

Another factor contributing to the perception that AI is overhyped is the misuse of the term "AI" by companies, which can lead to a misunderstanding of its true capabilities. Live AI notes, "Many companies claim to use AI without actually implementing it effectively, diluting the perceived value and contributing to skepticism" (Live AI). When businesses falsely claim to use AI, it creates a gap between public expectations and actual performance, leading to disillusionment and skepticism about AI's potential.

Counterarguments: Why These Views Are Shortsighted

While the concerns about public perception and trust are valid, they overlook the potential of AI to transform industries and the ongoing efforts to educate the public and develop ethical frameworks. Recognizing these positive developments can help shift the narrative towards a more balanced view of AI's potential.

Education and Awareness

By educating the public about AI's capabilities and addressing common misconceptions, we can build a more informed and trusting audience. Educational initiatives can highlight the positive impacts of AI, making people more comfortable with its integration into various aspects of life. Live AI emphasizes, "Increased efforts in education and awareness about the benefits and safe use of AI will help mitigate public distrust" (Live AI).

Ethical Frameworks

Establishing clear ethical guidelines and legal standards can help alleviate fears about AI's misuse and potential negative impacts. The AI Marketing Engineers note, "Developing and implementing robust ethical frameworks and legal guidelines will address many of the concerns surrounding AI, facilitating wider acceptance and adoption" (AI Marketing Engineers). These frameworks ensure that AI is developed and used responsibly, building public trust and encouraging broader adoption.


In conclusion, while AI faces valid criticisms regarding its current capabilities, high costs, and ethical issues, these challenges are typical of any emerging technology and are being actively addressed through ongoing advancements and regulatory efforts. The perceived overhype of AI often overlooks its incremental progress, expanding accessibility, and long-term transformative potential across various industries. As educational initiatives grow, ethical frameworks solidify, and more proven use cases emerge, AI will become increasingly integral to business operations and societal development. By focusing on strategic investments and long-term benefits, we can better appreciate AI's profound impact and future possibilities.