
Start Teaching - Expert System for Teacher Certification


Začni Učit


August 11, 2024

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The "Start Teaching" project is an innovative initiative designed to assist aspiring teachers in navigating and completing the mandatory teacher certification process required by law. The project’s goal is to provide an expert system that simplifies the certification journey, offering personalized guidance, resources, and support to ensure that teacher prospects can meet the necessary qualifications efficiently and effectively. This system is a vital tool for those seeking to transition into teaching, helping them to stay on track and succeed in their certification process.

Project Description

"Start Teaching" is an expert system developed to guide teacher prospects through the complex process of achieving mandatory certification. The platform provides tailored advice, tracks progress, and delivers resources that are specifically aligned with the legal requirements for teacher certification. Our role in this project involved defining the overall strategy, from UX design to application architecture, ensuring that the system was both user-friendly and technically robust.

Target Group

  • Primary: Aspiring teachers who need to complete mandatory certification.
  • Secondary: Educational institutions and certification bodies seeking to streamline the certification process for teacher candidates.

Problems Addressed

  • Complex Certification Requirements: The process of obtaining teacher certification can be daunting, with numerous steps and legal requirements that vary by region.
  • Lack of Guidance: Many prospective teachers struggle to find the guidance they need to successfully navigate the certification process.
  • Time-Consuming Process: Without proper support, the certification process can be unnecessarily time-consuming, delaying the start of teaching careers.

Unique Features of the Start Teaching Project

  1. Personalized Expert Guidance: The system provides personalized advice and resources tailored to each user’s specific certification path, ensuring that all legal requirements are met.
  2. Progress Tracking: Users can track their progress through the certification process, receiving reminders and updates on upcoming tasks and deadlines.
  3. Resource Management: The platform delivers curated resources, including study materials and practice exams, to help users prepare for certification exams and other requirements.

Project Outcomes

  • Simplified Certification Process: The expert system significantly simplifies the certification process for aspiring teachers, making it easier for them to understand and complete the necessary steps.
  • Increased Certification Success Rates: By providing personalized guidance and resources, the system helps increase the success rates of teacher prospects in obtaining their certification.
  • Efficiency and Time Savings: The platform reduces the time and effort required for certification, allowing users to focus more on developing their teaching skills.

What We Did as a Team

  1. Defining Overall Project and UX Strategy
    • Strategic Planning: We collaborated to define the overall project strategy, ensuring that the system would meet the needs of aspiring teachers and certification bodies alike.
    • User Experience Design: We placed a strong emphasis on UX design, creating an intuitive interface that would guide users smoothly through the certification process. Our goal was to make the system as accessible and user-friendly as possible.
  2. Application and AI Architecture
    • Architecture Design: We collectively defined the application and AI architecture, ensuring that the system was built on a solid foundation that could support its complex functionalities.
    • AI Integration: The architecture included advanced AI components designed to provide personalized recommendations and progress tracking for each user.
  3. Team Building and Role Definition
    • Defining Roles: Together, we defined the roles needed for the project, from developers to UX designers and AI specialists, ensuring that we had the right mix of skills and expertise.
    • Hiring and Onboarding: We led the hiring process, selecting and onboarding team members who were aligned with the project’s goals and capable of delivering high-quality work.
  4. Planning and Task Assignment
    • Project Planning: We were responsible for planning the technical tasks required to build the system, breaking down the project into manageable components and setting clear milestones.
    • Task Assignment: We assigned tasks to team members based on their expertise, ensuring that each aspect of the project was handled by the most qualified individuals.
  5. Code Review and Quality Assurance
    • Code Review: To maintain high standards of quality, we conducted regular code reviews, providing feedback and ensuring that the codebase was robust, maintainable, and aligned with the project’s architectural design.
    • Quality Assurance: We worked together to implement best practices in testing and quality assurance, ensuring that the system was reliable and ready for deployment.

Key Challenges

  • Navigating Legal Requirements: Ensuring that the system accurately reflected the legal requirements for teacher certification across different regions was a complex task.
  • Balancing Personalization with Usability: We had to strike a balance between offering highly personalized guidance and maintaining a simple, user-friendly interface.
  • Coordinating a Multidisciplinary Team: Managing a team with diverse skill sets required effective communication and collaboration to keep the project on track.


The "Start Teaching" project is a transformative initiative designed to support aspiring teachers in achieving their mandatory certification. Through a combination of expert guidance, personalized resources, and progress tracking, the system simplifies a complex process, making it more accessible and manageable for users. Our team played a crucial role in defining the project strategy, designing the system architecture, and ensuring the quality of the final product. The result is a powerful tool that not only helps teacher prospects succeed in their certification journey but also contributes to the broader goal of improving educational standards by facilitating the entry of qualified teachers into the profession.

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