
Understanding Strengths and Career Directions Workshop using Set of CustomGPTs

The "Navigating Your Future" workshop empowers students to discover their strengths, explore career paths, and understand AI's role in future jobs through interactive sessions with custom GPTs.


Archbishop's Grammar School in Prague


August 22, 2024

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Project Name: Navigating Your Future: Understanding Strengths and Career Directions

Introduction:The "Navigating Your Future" workshop, created for Archbishop’s Grammar School, is a three-hour session designed to empower students by helping them explore their personal strengths and career possibilities. This workshop uses seven custom GPTs to provide personalized insights, guiding students towards understanding their interests and aligning them with future career paths in an ever-evolving job market.

Workshop Description:The workshop is structured into ten chapters, each designed to build on the previous one, seamlessly integrating interactive chatbot sessions with key lessons on career planning and personal development. The core objective is to enable students to identify their strengths, set realistic career goals, and understand the role of AI in future job markets.

Key components include:

  1. Self-Understanding: Students explore their personal interests and strengths using custom GPTs.
  2. Future of Work: Discussions on automation, AI advancements, and their impact on careers.
  3. Inspiration and Role Models: Identifying personal role models and analyzing their traits.
  4. Skill Development: Focusing on building adaptable and robust skill sets.
  5. Career Exploration: Using custom GPTs to explore potential career paths based on identified strengths and interests.
  6. Talent Development: Developing a personal plan for talent growth and applying it to career goals.
  7. Educational Pathways: Guidance on selecting appropriate educational routes aligned with career aspirations.
  8. AI Management: Teaching students how to leverage AI in their future careers.

Target Group:Students of Archbishop’s Grammar School, primarily those in their final years of study, looking to gain clarity on their strengths and potential career paths.

Problems Addressed:

  1. Lack of Self-Awareness: Many students are unsure of their personal strengths and how these relate to career choices. The workshop addresses this by providing tools for self-discovery.
  2. Uncertainty in Career Direction: The workshop helps students identify and explore career options that align with their interests and strengths, reducing uncertainty.
  3. Navigating the Future Job Market: With rapid changes in job roles due to AI and automation, the workshop educates students on how to adapt and thrive.

Unique Features of the Workshop:

  • Interactive Chatbots: The use of seven custom GPTs offers a highly personalized and engaging experience, guiding students through self-reflection and career exploration.
  • Comprehensive Approach: The workshop covers a wide range of topics, from personal strengths to future job trends, providing students with a holistic view of career planning.
  • Expert-Led Sessions: Facilitated by professionals who are experienced in both AI and career counseling, ensuring that students receive informed and relevant guidance.

Workshop Outcomes:

  • Increased Self-Awareness: Students will have a clearer understanding of their strengths and interests.
  • Informed Career Choices: The workshop will help students align their strengths with potential career paths, making informed decisions about their futures.
  • Adaptability to Future Job Markets: Students will learn how to navigate the evolving job market and leverage AI tools effectively in their careers.

Summary:The "Navigating Your Future" workshop is a pioneering initiative aimed at preparing Archbishop’s Grammar School students for the future by helping them understand their strengths and align them with the right career paths. By integrating advanced AI tools with expert-led guidance, this workshop equips students with the knowledge and confidence to navigate their future careers successfully.

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