
Starcube Accelerator Strategy




August 11, 2024

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Our team had the exciting opportunity to collaborate with the Southern Moravian Innovation Center (JIC) on a comprehensive rebranding and strategic development project for their startup accelerator. The JIC Startup Accelerator is a critical initiative designed to support students in their journey to becoming successful entrepreneurs. Our goal was to develop a fresh, dynamic strategy that would re-energize the accelerator, attract more student entrepreneurs, and better position JIC as a leading hub for innovation and entrepreneurship in the region.

Target Group

  • Primary: Students and young professionals in the Southern Moravian region interested in entrepreneurship and starting their own businesses.
  • Secondary: Academic institutions, potential investors, mentors, and the broader startup ecosystem in the Czech Republic.

Project Objectives

  • Rebranding: To create a vibrant, modern brand identity that resonates with students and reflects the innovative spirit of the accelerator.
  • Strategic Positioning: To develop a strategic plan that clearly defines the accelerator’s mission, value proposition, and goals, aligning them with the needs and aspirations of student entrepreneurs.
  • Program Enhancement: To refine and enhance the accelerator’s programs, ensuring they provide the necessary tools, mentorship, and resources to help students transition from ideas to successful startups.

What We Did as a Team

  1. Rebranding Strategy
    • Brand Identity Creation: We collaborated closely to develop a new brand identity for the JIC Startup Accelerator. This involved creating a modern logo, visual design elements, and messaging that reflected the energy and innovation that the accelerator seeks to foster in its participants.
    • Market Research and Positioning: We conducted extensive market research to understand the needs and preferences of the target audience—students and young entrepreneurs. Based on our findings, we crafted a brand message that emphasized the accelerator’s commitment to nurturing entrepreneurial talent and providing a supportive environment for innovation.
  2. Strategic Planning and Development
    • Mission and Vision Articulation: Together, we redefined the mission and vision of the JIC Startup Accelerator. The new mission focused on empowering students to become successful entrepreneurs by providing them with the resources, mentorship, and network they need to succeed.
    • Value Proposition Refinement: We refined the value proposition of the accelerator, highlighting its unique strengths, such as access to experienced mentors, a strong connection to local and international investors, and a collaborative community of like-minded entrepreneurs.
    • Program Structure Enhancement: Our team worked on enhancing the structure of the accelerator’s programs. We introduced new modules focused on key areas such as business model development, pitching, fundraising, and scaling. We also ensured that the programs were flexible and could be tailored to meet the specific needs of different startups.
  3. Engagement and Outreach Strategy
    • Student Engagement Campaigns: We designed a series of campaigns aimed at increasing awareness and participation in the accelerator among students. These campaigns included workshops, hackathons, and networking events designed to attract and engage young entrepreneurs.
    • Community Building: Recognizing the importance of a strong entrepreneurial community, we developed strategies to foster a sense of belonging among participants. This included creating online platforms for collaboration, organizing regular meetups, and building partnerships with universities and student organizations.
  4. Mentorship and Resource Allocation
    • Mentorship Network Expansion: We focused on expanding the accelerator’s network of mentors, bringing in successful entrepreneurs, industry experts, and investors to provide guidance and support to participants. This mentorship was positioned as a key differentiator for the accelerator.
    • Resource Accessibility: We worked on improving access to resources such as funding opportunities, workspace, and technology. We also streamlined the process for students to tap into these resources, making the accelerator more accessible and user-friendly.
  5. Implementation and Monitoring
    • Pilot Program Launch: To test our rebranding and strategic enhancements, we launched a pilot program with a select group of student startups. This allowed us to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments before rolling out the full program.
    • Continuous Improvement: We established a framework for continuous monitoring and improvement of the accelerator’s programs. This included regular feedback loops with participants and mentors, as well as performance metrics to track the success of the rebranding and strategic initiatives.

Key Challenges

  • Aligning Diverse Stakeholder Interests: One of the main challenges was aligning the interests and expectations of various stakeholders, including students, mentors, investors, and academic institutions.
  • Building Brand Awareness: Rebranding an established institution required careful planning to ensure that the new brand identity was well-received and effectively communicated to the target audience.
  • Ensuring Program Relevance: It was crucial to ensure that the new programs we developed were relevant to the current entrepreneurial landscape and addressed the specific needs of student entrepreneurs.

Outcomes and Team Impact

  • Successful Rebranding: The rebranding effort resulted in a fresh, modern brand identity that resonated with students and effectively communicated the accelerator’s mission and values.
  • Increased Student Participation: Following the rebranding and the launch of new programs, the accelerator saw a significant increase in student participation and interest.
  • Stronger Community and Network: The accelerator’s enhanced focus on community building and mentorship helped create a stronger, more supportive network for student entrepreneurs, contributing to the success of the startups involved.
  • Positioning as a Leading Accelerator: The strategic planning and program enhancements positioned the JIC Startup Accelerator as a leading hub for innovation and entrepreneurship in the Southern Moravian region, attracting attention from investors and other key players in the startup ecosystem.


The rebranding and strategic development of the JIC Startup Accelerator was a comprehensive project that required close collaboration and a shared vision among our team. Together, we successfully transformed the accelerator into a dynamic and attractive program for student entrepreneurs. By developing a clear strategic direction, enhancing program offerings, and building a strong community, we helped the JIC Startup Accelerator become a cornerstone of innovation and entrepreneurship in the Southern Moravian region. Our efforts not only revitalized the accelerator’s brand but also ensured its continued growth and impact in the years to come.

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