Miky Škoda

Chief Educator & Intrapreneur

Miky Škoda, the Chief Educator and Intrapreneur at Metamatics, is a dynamic force in the intersection of education, innovation, and leadership. Miky’s journey is characterized by an insatiable curiosity and a commitment to understanding the world through every available lens—be it business, travel, science, or the exploration of diverse social bubbles.

This holistic approach fuels his passion for creating educational and innovation strategies that empower organizations of all sizes to adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Miky’s work is deeply rooted in his belief in the power of connectivity. As a co-founder of the Mobilis Institute, he has been instrumental in fostering adaptability within organizations, helping them navigate complex challenges and seize new opportunities. His innovative spirit extends to the non-profit sector with X-Challenge, an initiative akin to a scout program for adults, where he nurtures resilience and leadership among participants.

A former scout leader himself, Miky continues to mentor founders and managers, guiding them to leverage AI for greater ease in their work and more effective leadership. His expertise is not confined to the classroom; he actively shares his insights through podcasts and events on education, technology, astrophysics, and leadership, making complex topics accessible and engaging.

Miky's commitment to lifelong learning and service is reflected in his involvement with Rotary and Red Button, and his recognition as a speaker and alumnus of the prestigious Aspen Institute. Beyond his professional pursuits, Miky is an adventurer at heart—climbing mountains, playing the guitar, and sharing his experiences through his book, "YMůžeš (po)dělat cokoli," a guide for those seeking meaningful change in their lives.

As Metamatics' Chief Educator, Miky’s unique blend of practical knowledge, strategic vision, and passion for innovation drives the organization’s mission to prepare businesses for a future defined by artificial intelligence and continuous learning. His ability to bridge diverse worlds and connect people with ideas is instrumental in shaping a new era of education and leadership.