
Github Copilot

This two-day workshop equips programmers and software engineers with practical skills to enhance productivity and code quality using GitHub Copilot. Participants will learn to write better code, engineer prompts, generate tests, and optimize code through hands-on exercises. The workshop also covers advanced features, customization, and best practices for integrating Copilot into development workflows, making it essential for anyone looking to leverage AI in their coding process.


Workshop at your company premises, 6 persons minimum


7.500 - 15.000 CZK (1-2 days) per person

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This two-day workshop is designed to provide programmers with practical skills and knowledge on using GitHub Copilot. Participants will learn how to effectively use GitHub Copilot to improve productivity, write commits, engineer prompts, generate code, and improve code quality.

Target Audience:

  • Programmers and Developers: who want to increase their productivity and efficiency using GitHub Copilot.
  • Software Engineers: looking for ways to improve their code quality and refactoring.
  • Tech Leaders and Managers: looking to integrate AI into their development process.

Workshop Objectives:

The goal of this workshop is to equip participants with practical tools and techniques for using GitHub Copilot to write code efficiently, generate tests, optimize code, and improve overall software quality.

What you will get:

  • Understanding GitHub Copilot: You will gain a deep understanding of how GitHub Copilot works and how to use it effectively.
  • Practical Skills: You'll learn how to write better comments, engineer prompts, and use Copilot to generate code and tests.
  • Discover new ways to approach programming and improve code quality using AI.

Technical Requirements:

  • Laptop with internet connection
  • Pre-installed GitHub Copilot

Participant Requirements:

  • Basic knowledge of programming
  • Interest in improving programming skills using AI

Designed to be informative and interactive, this workshop will provide participants with practical tools and strategies for using GitHub Copilot effectively. We look forward to your participation and believe this workshop will be very beneficial to your professional growth.

Day 1: Fundamentals and Effective Code Writing

9:00 - 10:30 | Module 1: Introduction to GitHub Copilot

  1. Description: Get a basic overview of GitHub Copilot, its features and benefits.
    • Key Topics:
      • What is GitHub Copilot?
      • How it works: the basics of AI and machine learning
    • Getting Started:
      • Installing GitHub Copilot
      • Setting up the environment
      • Basic navigation and interface
    • Practical exercises:
      • Understanding inline code designs
      • Accepting and rejecting suggestions
      • Practice with sample code

Break: 10:30 - 10:45

10:45 - 12:15 | Module 2: Writing Effective Comments

  1. Description: Learn how to write effective comments that will make it easier to generate code using Copilot.
    • Key Topics:
      • The importance of comments in code
      • How comments affect Copilot
      • Best practices for writing comments
    • Practical exercises:
      • Writing clear and detailed comments
      • Examples and exercises
      • Creating meaningful docstrings
      • Commenting code for readability

Lunch break: 12:15 - 13:15

13:15 - 14:45 | Module 3: Engineering Prompts

  1. Description: Understand the basics of prompt engineering and how to create effective prompts for Copilot.
    • Key Topics:
      • What is prompt engineering?
      • How prompts affect output
    • Practical exercises:
      • Creating effective prompts
      • Using specific language and examples
      • Step-by-step prompt creation
      • Advanced prompting techniques
      • Using templates and pseudo-code
      • Contextual prompts for complex tasks

Break: 14:45 - 15:00

15:00 - 17:00 | Module 4: Completing Code and Generating Snippets

  1. Description: Learn how to effectively use Copilot for code completion and snippet generation.
    • Key Topics:
      • Code completion basics
      • Inline design and autocompletion
    • Practical exercises:
      • Generating snippets for functions and classes
      • Best practices for generating snippets
      • Various hands-on code exercises

Conclusion and Q&A: 17:00 - 17:30

Day 2: Code Refactoring, Test Generation and Code Quality Improvement

9:00 - 10:30 | Module 5: Refactoring and Optimizing Code

  1. Description: Learn how to use Copilot to refactor and optimize code.
    • Key Topics:
      • What is code refactoring?
      • Benefits of refactoring
    • Practical exercises:
      • Identify areas for improvement
      • Implementing suggestions for optimization
      • Case studies and exercises
      • Real examples of refactoring

Break: 10:30 - 10:45

10:45 - 12:15 | Module 6: Test Case Generation

  1. Description: Understand the importance of testing and learn how to generate test cases using Copilot.
    • Key Topics:
      • The importance of testing
      • Overview of test frameworks
    • Practical exercises:
      • Generating tests for functions and classes
      • Using comments to guide test generation
      • Advanced testing techniques
      • Mocking and stubbing
      • Integration and unit tests

Lunch Break: 12:15 - 13:15

13:15 - 14:45 | Module 7: Improving Code Quality

  1. Description: Learn best practices for writing quality code and how to use Copilot to achieve them.
    • Key Topics:
      • Best practices for writing clean and maintainable code
      • Adhering to code standards and conventions
    • Practical exercises:
      • Using Copilot for code reviews
      • Implementing best practices using Copilot
      • Examples of quality code
      • Practical exercises

Break: 14:45 - 15:00

15:00 - 17:00 | Module 8: Advanced Features and Customization

  1. Description: Explore Copilot's advanced features and learn how to customize it for different programming languages and tools.
    • Key Topics:
      • Explore Copilot's advanced features
      • Customizing Copilot settings
      • Using Copilot with different programming languages
    • Practical exercises:
      • Integrating Copilot with the CI/CD pipeline
      • Collaboration and workflow tools
      • Planning and executing a complex project using all the techniques learned

Conclusion and Q&A: 17:00 - 17:30

This workshop is designed to be not only informative, but also interactive and actionable. It will enable you to understand the potential of GitHub Copilot and effectively integrate it into your programming activities, leading to increased productivity and quality of your code. We look forward to your participation and hope you will find our workshop beneficial.

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